Product Ranges
Lab M´s extensive range of microbiological culture media, supplements, immunomagnetic separation techniques and proficiency testing systems are used in laboratories around the world.
While our development of microbiology media that meet ISO requirements for microbiological testing in the food industry means we are especially well known in that sector, Lab M products are used in all areas of microbiology and include:
Dehydrated culture media
HarlequinTM chromogenic media
Anaerobe isolation media
CaptivateTM Immunomagnetic Separation
µPREP™ Ready-to-reconstitute media
Dehydrated culture media
Dehydrated culture media
Lab M is known for the quality and range of its dehydrated culture media. A programme
Harmonised Pharmacopoeia
Harmonised Pharmacopoeia (USP/EP/JP)
Pinnacle™ pre-poured plates
Ready-to-reconstitute media.
Captivate™ is a range of antibody coated paramagnetic particles for the specific immunomagnetic sepa
Peptones are often used in mammalian cell culture as substitutes, or supplements to amino acids, bov
Complete Food Safety testing solutions
Supplements & Additives
To complement our many and varied dehydrated culture media products, Lab M offers a ran
Prepared media
Lab M offers a range of prepared media including the Pinnacle™ prepared media range in addition
Identification & Confirmation
Lab M is pleased to offer a complementary range of products for the identificati
Swabs for culturing, transport & environmental sampling
Laboratory Consumables
Lab M provides an evolving range of complementary consumable products for the microbiologie