Pinnacle™ Pre-poured Plates

We offer an expanding range of ready-to-use prepared media plates.

Our full Pinnacle range of prepared media is QC tested under Lab M’s ISO 17025 accreditation scope and is manufactured using our high quality dehydrated culture media.

Pinnacle™ Chromogenic Agar for Salmonella Esterase (CASE)

CASE is a selective chromogenic agar for the detection of Salmonella. It utilises a dual chromogenic system to differentiate between Salmonella and non-target organisms that grow on the agar.

Pinnacle™ Bacillus cereus MYP (ISO)

Introduced by Mossel and his co-workers in 1967 for the enumeration of Bacillus cereus in foods even with very low numbers, this formula was shown to be the most effective for this purpose by Inal in 1972.

Pinnacle™ Baird-Parker Medium (ISO)

Originally introduced in 1962, this medium was developed by Baird-Parker to overcome the problems of recovering damaged Staphylococcus aureus from foodstuffs.

Pinnacle™ LCA (Listeria Chromogenic Agar)

Ready prepared Listeria Chromogenic Agar for isolation of Listeria monocytogenes.

Pinnacle™ Legionella BCYE Medium (ISO)

(Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract)

Pinnacle™ Legionella GVPC Medium (ISO)

(Glycine Vancomycin Polymyxin Cycloheximide)

Pinnacle™ mLGA (membrane Lactose Glucuronide Agar)

Prepared agar plates for the isolation of E. coli and coliforms from water samples.

Pinnacle™ MMGA (ISO)

Mineral Modified Glutamate Agar (MMGA) is used as resuscitation medium recommended by ISO 16649-1 for enumeration of β-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli in products intended for human consumption or for the feeding of animals.

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